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2021 Park of Fame
October 17, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
The 2021 6th Annual “PATA Park of Fame Clinic” will be held Sunday, October 17th from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Yavapai College tennis facility in Prescott, Arizona. The money raised by those participating in the clinic will go toward a very worthy goal of purchasing a new tennis wheelchair for Andrew Bogdanov and any excess money for other wheelchair participants in the Northern, Arizona area who are showing promise in the game.
As many of you know, this clinic has been held as a fundraiser to help tennis grow in the area in many different ways over the years through the very active Prescott Area Tennis Association. They put on tournaments and events for youth and adults, give scholarships, help maintain public tennis facilities, run and organize “After School Tennis Programs for Youth”, and speak as a voice for growing the game.
Our local Northern, Arizona tennis professionals ban together for this occasion, volunteering their time and expertise, to help this very special cause and Yavapai College has partnered with donating the court time expenses to further help this special fundraiser.
Andrew (26) who was injured in a skiing accident not long after graduating from high school at Bradshaw Mountain has been traveling far and wide to play in Southwest and National tennis events and moving up the ladder quickly, with a chair that works, but isn’t what he truly needs to further his tennis skills, which is a “tennis wheelchair”.
The cost for this type of chair is nearly $4,000 and that chunk of change is a luxury he just can’t pull out of his pocket…thus our idea of helping this very worthy cause as much as we can, and any balance we might raise over that in a fund to help others in the future.
The clinic begins at 10 a.m., so please be there at 9:45 a.m. to get squared away. The cost is $40.00 per person (unless you want to add more) and there will be 7 courts of tennis professionals where you will rotate from court to court every 20 minutes with a different theme to be worked on.
Snacks and water will be provided, as well as a few great raffle prizes to be won. Participants will be divided by their ability levels to make this event as fun as possible and up to 42 players can get involved.
To sign up, email Chris Howard at: choward4541@gmail.com
Include your name, email, ability level, male or female, age if you don’t care and phone number.
Payment will be made on arrival, cash or check made out to PATA. (This is tax deductible through our 501(c)(3) )
If you can’t attend, but would like to help with donating money earmarked for helping Andrew with a new tennis chair, please send a tax deductible check to:
Prescott Area Tennis Association
P.O Box 3901
Prescott, AZ 86302
These 42 spots will go fast, so please get your email sent as soon as possible to attend and enjoy this great tennis clinic! Please forward this to any tennis players you know might enjoy this event